Preparing for and Navigating Change

We have a maple tree in our front yard that we enjoy watching change color each Fall. This year the leaves seemed extraordinarily beautiful. It almost seemed that the leaves changed from green to brilliant red overnight.

Do you ever feel like the change you are longing for will never happen? Or perhaps you’ve had some unexpected changes in your life recently, and you’re trying to get your bearings?

Friend, God has a specific timeline for the changes in your life. He orchestrates multiple small steps for it to happen at the right time and in the right way.

The tree that seemingly turned from green to red leaves overnight? There are an intricate amount of pre-determined processes and steps that occurred with the change of color. Know that God does not waste a moment to achieve the outcome He desires.

Did you know that the spectacular colors of leaves we see in the Fall have actually been in the leaves all summer? These colors (red, yellow, orange) are covered up by the green of chlorophyll. As the weather turns cooler and the days shorter, the chlorophyll begins to break down. This leads to the new colors of leaves we see. The potential for change was there all along. It simply had to wait until the right time to occur. Take comfort in knowing that God has a great plan and a purpose for your life.

Are you wondering how to prepare yourself for the change you desire or to navigate a change in life? Here are seven tips for preparing for and navigating change:

1. Plan ahead.  Using the information you have, do prep work regarding a change that you know is on the horizon. What can you do now to prepare for later? Change is less stressful when you have a plan in place. Has the change already happened? Then, focus on tips 2-7.

2.  Give yourself time to reflect and process. Change is hard. It is important to set time aside to let yourself grieve what you have left behind in order to make, or embrace, the change. You can put words to your feelings through writing in a journal, talking with a trusted friend or seeing a counselor. To keep yourself healthy, take time to reflect and process your feelings about the change.

3.  Maintain routines and schedules. In the midst of a change, sticking with a routine or schedule can provide a sense of normalcy. What routines can you stick to during this time of change? What part of your schedule can you keep “as is”?

4.  Reframe your thinking. The way we think about things can truly make a difference. Change can be difficult, and this can lead to negative thinking (“It used to be so good before . . . “).  Intentionally capture your thoughts and rework them to shift to a more positive angle. For example, try saying “and” versus “but” when talking about the change. (Ex: “I really like the new job and I really liked my old job”).

5.  Practice self-care. When you’re going through a change, you need to make sure that you are taking care of yourself. Are you getting enough sleep? Are you exercising? Are you drinking enough water? What would bring you comfort to add into your self-care during this season of change? A bath versus a shower? A monthly massage? Change requires us to pour out more energy, so make sure you are practicing self-care and increasing it as you see fit.

6.  Prioritize gratitude. When we start to notice the good things in our life, it can help us gain perspective. God provides blessings each day, even in the midst of change and hard situations. Write down a list of things you can be thankful for. As the Well-Watered Woman says “Practicing gratitude is like fertilizer for our lives”.

7.  Stay in God’s Word. The Bible provides critical guidance to us in life. There are two sections of Scripture in particular that I’d suggest you meditate on as you prepare for and navigate change. Romans 12: 2 “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God”.  Stay close to the Lord and let His word renew your mind daily. Also, Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths”. Lean into the Lord for direction as you prepare for and navigate change.

May you be encouraged, and feel more equipped, for change. Remember that God has a specific timeline for the changes in your life. It will happen at the right time and in the right way. And by following the seven tips, may you navigate the change well!


Be All In